Archery is an Excellent and Safe Sport for Everyone
It enhances your balance, strength, focus, and coordination while also showing you how to have good posture. Whether you are wanting to learn archery to be a part of a relaxing sport or to enter in competitions, educating yourself on the terminology and equipment should come first.
Archery Classes
First, you should sign up for an archery class. Buck and Doe’s offers archery classes for beginners, and has an indoor archery range that allows everyone, from beginners to those looking to sharpen their skills, a place to practice in a well-lit, climate-controlled environment. Classes are an hour long, and you do not need to have purchased a bow beforehand; we have plenty of rentals to pick from. Taking classes is highly recommended before doing ‘on your own’ training.
Finding the Right Bow for You
Recurve bows are typically the most popular choice for beginners learning the fundamentals. The weight of your selected bow should not be too heavy or too light, and our experts will work with you on sizing it to your comfortability. Draw weight and length can be determined at your time of visit, and we will introduce you to our inventory when all sizing requirements have been determined. We typically stock 20 – 30 recurve bows and 50 – 70 compound bows for target, 3D and hunting, so you have a nice selection to choose from. We also carry a large selection of accessories.
Safety Equipment
Work with an experienced instructor to determine the type of release you want to use. There are multiple mechanical bow releases plus finger tabs. Mechanical bow releases include Velcro hook and loop wrist straps, thumb release and finger release triggers. There are quite a few options available for finger tabs to consider, from three-finger tabs or whole handed gloves. Finding the release that is right for you is essential. Some beginners want a forearm protector (arm guard) to protect yourself while shooting. Avoid wearing loose clothing and jewelry, as it can interfere with your shooting and cause a safety hazard.
Identify Your Dominant Eye and Grip
Even if you are right-handed, that does not mean it will be your dominant hand when shooting. Try gripping your bow with both hands and see which grip feels right. To find your dominate eye, you can try this simple test at home: Face any target – if could be a nail on the wall or a doorknob – and extend your hands away from your body. Create a triangle with your fingers, with your thumbs touching and index fingers overlapping each other. Begin drawing your hands toward you without pulling your sight away from the target. Whichever eye your hand lands on will serve as your dominant eye – the eye that is closest to the arrow.
Common Archery Terminology
The Handle: Referenced also as the “riser’. The Handle is the part of the bow that you hold when shooting. It will have an arrow rest, where you place arrows before drawing them.
The Limbs: This is attached to the handle (riser). Limbs form the entire bow, with the top limb being attached to the bottom by the bowstring.
The Bow String: Connects the top and bottom limbs. When pulled, it will create tension that moves the arrow forward.
The Nock Point: Part of the bowstring. This is where you will place the end of your arrow.
The Bow Sight: This refers to being able to aim at your target. Bows are typically equipped with sights that are attached to the handle (riser).
The Arrowhead: Tip of the arrow.
Fletching: Vanes on an arrow, either made of feathers or plastic. One vane should be a different color than the other two. This is known as the ‘index vane’.
The Shaft: Length of an arrow, between arrowhead and fletching.
The Nock: Backend of arrow that sits on your bowstring.

Target Practice
Outside of archery classes, you are welcome to come in for regular visits to our archery range for continual target practice. You do not have to be a member to use our archery ranges, and we always accept walk-ins. Our targets range from a wall of block targets and moveable block targets to meet your required distance to a large variety of 3-D targets, and even crossbow targets.
Plan Your Visit
When you feel confident enough to compete, Buck & Doe’s also hosts tournaments. In addition to competing, you can also join an indoor archery league or club. We offer options for all levels of archers. Stop by today and follow us on Instagram to stay posted on all archery events!
Visit our website and call us today at 830-980-3637 to get more information on learning proficiency with a bow. It’s a great sport you can enjoy for a lifetime.