Offering Gun Rentals at Our Range
in the San Antonio, TX Area
Beginner to advanced shooters are welcome to try out a variety of makes and models from Buck & Doe’s Mercantile rental collection. Whether you want to try a handgun or rifle, we have a wide variety of firearms, ranging from the basics to the exotic, ready to rent and shoot on the range.
Gun Rentals
Handguns/ Rifles
For just $15, you can rent a handgun from our extensive rental fleet of over 50 pistols. We have various calibers from manufacturers such as Beretta, Browning, FN, Glock, H&K, Ruger, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, and Springfield. For $20, you can take a rifle on the range for your down range shooting pleasure. Ever tried shooting a SCAR or Daniel Defense MK18? You won’t be disappointed when you rent one and give it a try. We have over 8 rental rifles to choose from.
Machine Guns
Looking for more excitement in your visit to Buck & Doe’s? Then rent one of our machine guns! We have two Colt machine guns in our rental fleet, Colt M16A2 or Colt SMG. Because your safety is always our first priority, we provide a Range Safety officer with every machine gun rental, $40 per magazine/$30 per additional magazine. You’ll get the thrill of unloading the magazine and hitting the target all with the peace of mind you have received full instructions and training to ensure your safety.
Thinking of buying, but not sure what to buy?
At Buck and Doe’s, we know you have a lot of choices when it comes to investing in your next firearm. Gun rentals are a great way to try out different guns to find the one that fits you perfectly. We carry a large selection of gun rentals in various calibers from a number of top manufacturers. Renting is a great way to come enjoy the sport of shooting without the commitment of purchasing. It is also the smart choice when you’re considering what to buy for your first or next gun. Contact our gun shop today to learn more about the various gun rentals we provide or visit us to browse our selection of new and used guns for sale!