First Time Shooter Classes
in the San Antonio, TX Area
At Buck and Doe’s in San Antonio, TX, our goal is to provide a safe, unintimidating environment where a first time shooter feels comfortable. We conduct our first time shooter classes in a state-of-the-art indoor shooting range. To reduce reverberation noise up to 98%, we installed the highest acoustically rated sound abatement wall systems in the world. We are also a “green” gun range. For the safety of you and our employees, we have a fully self-contained bullet trap system and commercial air filtration design, meaning you will enjoy the most comfortable and safest shooting experience available. Contact our gun shop today to learn more about our first time shooter classes, request firearm education information, or to get started with the registration process!
No. Buck & Doe’s Mercantile has firearm rentals, ammunition, hearing protection, targets, and eye protection. First-time shooters can rest assured we will take care of all your needs, so you enjoy your first experience at an indoor shooting range to the fullest. Everything we do has your safety in mind.
Yes! We love introducing people to this great sport. Learn everything you need to know to have a fun and memorable experience with our friendly, hands-on classes, led by certified instructors.
Absolutely. We make certain all of our new shooters are comfortable and learn how to properly handle firearms. We have a great team ready to help you get started.
All of our firing lanes are well-lit and kept comfortable with our advanced ventilation system. With fast electronic retrievable systems for your targets, our shooting range is equipped to elevate your experience to the next level of fun. Our interactive electronic system puts you in control of setting distances, turns, and choosing programs for an awesome shooting experience.
Schedule a private lesson by clicking on the “CLASSES” tab and sign up today. For only $99 you’ll get 1-hour of personalized instruction, the rental gun of your choice, a target and rental eye and ear protection. Ammunition is an additional fee.
San Antonio's First Choice Gun Range
It is our top priority to be San Antonio, TX’s first choice when looking for first time shooter classes and an expansive indoor shooting range. Everything about the Buck and Doe’s gun range is designed to provide the highest quality of service to our customers, including:
- Availability of the most popular firearms for purchase or rental
- An impressive inventory of quality shooting accessories
- Trained, uniformed staff
- No membership required
- Firing lanes available on a walk-in basis
- No more than two shooters at a time per shooting lane
- 18 indoor air-conditioned 50-foot shooting lanes
- Handguns up to 50 caliber and Rifles up to 308 caliber allowed
- No shotguns permitted on the indoor range
- Certified and trained Range Safety Officers available for your safety and for gun safety instruction